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stone为小学词汇   词频:999


名词:stoner 动词过去式:stoned 过去分词:stoned 现在分词:stoning 第三人称单数:stones

近义词, 同义词


gem  pebble  rock    


/stəʊn; ston/
1 [U] (often used attributively or in compounds 常用作定语或用以构成复合词) hard solid mineral substance that is not metallic; (type of) rock 石; 石头; 岩石
*`sandstone 沙岩
* `limestone 石灰岩
* a house built of grey `stone 用灰色石料砌成的房子
* stone walls, buildings, floors, statues, ie made or built of stone 石墙、石楼、石板地面、石雕
* What type of stone is this? 这是什么石头?
2 [C] piece of rock of any shape, usu small in size, broken or cut off 石块; 石子; 碎石
*a pile of stones 一堆石块
* a road covered with stones 碎石路
* Small stones rolled down the hillside as they ran up. 他们跑上山坡, 同时有些小石子滚了下来.
* She picked up the stone and threw it into the river. 她捡起那块石头扔进河里了.
3 [C] (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) piece of stone shaped for a particular purpose 加工成某形状作某用途的石块
*a `gravestone 墓碑
* `stepping-stones 踏脚石
* `paving stones 铺路石
* `tombstones 墓碑
* `millstones 磨石.
4 (also precious `stone) [C] jewel or gem 宝石; 钻石
*a sapphire ring with six small stones 镶有六颗小蓝宝石的戒指.
5 (also esp US pit) [C] (sometimes in compounds 有时用以构成复合词) hard shell containing the nut or seed inside some fruits (eg apricots, olives, plums, cherries, peaches) 核(如杏、橄榄、李子、樱桃、桃的)
*a damson stone 西洋李子的核. =>illus at fruit 见fruit插图.
6 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) small hard object that has formed in the bladder or kidney and causes pain 结石(膀胱或肾脏中的)
*an operation to remove `kidney stones 取出肾结石的手术. Cf 参看 gallstone (gall).
7 [C] (pl unchanged 复数不变) (abbr 缩写 st) (Brit) unit of weight;
14 pounds  石(重量单位, 等于14磅)
*He weighs
10 stone. 他体重10 石.
* two stones of potatoes 两 石的土豆. =>App
5 见附录5.
8 (idm 习语) blood out of/from a stone => blood1. hard as nails/stone => hard1. a heart of stone => heart. kill two birds with one stone => kill. leave no stone unturned => leave1. people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones => people. sink like a stone => sink1. a `stone's throw a very short distance 很短的距离
*We live a stone's throw from/within a stone's throw of here. 我们住的地方离这里很近. a rolling stone gathers no moss => roll2.

v [Tn]
1 throw stones at (sb) (esp formerly as a punishment) 向(某人)扔石块; 用石头砸(某人)(尤指旧时作为惩罚手段)
*stoned to death 受以石击毙刑.
2 remove the stones (stone 5) from (fruit) 去掉(水果)的核
*stoned dates 去核的枣.
3 (idm 习语) ,stone the `crows (Brit sl 俚) (used as an exclamation of surprise, shock, disgust, etc 用作感叹语, 表示惊讶、震惊、嫌恶等)
*Well, stone the crows, he's done it again! 哎呀, 好家伙, 他又干了一次! stoned adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (sl 俚)
(a) very drunk 烂醉.
(b) under the influence of (usu soft) drugs 在(通常为软性的)毒品刺激下.


Ailstone is a village in Warwickshire, England.
1. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!

2. But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into this village that captured his heart with its fine stone cottages, its central area of green grass, green rows of hedges, and its fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests disappearing into th

3. Wood and stone are building materials.

4. We could use pulleys to move the huge stone.

5. Why did you throw that stone at me? Did you intend to kill me?
    你为什么把那石头丢向我, 你想杀我吗?

6. We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine.

7. Workaholism is a problem that has been evident since the Stone Age whenever people have sought to escape other parts of their lives through work.

8. There is a stone erecting on the boundary between the two countries.
    在两国的交界上, 立着一块石碑。

9. There is a big stone in the centre of a peach.

10. The monkey threw the big stone at the crocodile.
