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n.蝴蝶 蝶泳


butterfly为小学词汇   词频:5132


动词过去式:butterflied 过去分词:butterflied 现在分词:butterflying 第三人称单数:butterflies


/'bʌtəflaɪ; `bʌtɚ,flaɪ/
1 [C] insect with a long thin body and four (usu brightly coloured) wings 蝴蝶. =>illus 见插图.
2 [C] (fig 比喻) person who never settles down to one job or activity for long 无恒心的人; 没常性的人
*a social butterfly 交际花.
3 [sing] (also `butterfly stroke) stroke in swimming in which both arms are raised and lifted forwards at the same time while the legs move up and down together 蝶泳
*doing (the) butterfly 游蝶泳.
4 (idm 习语) have `butterflies (in one's stomach) (infml 口) have a nervous feeling in one's stomach before doing sth (做某事以前)心慌, 紧张.


antenna, wing
[Language: Old English;Origin: buterfleoge, from butere ( BUTTER1) + fleoge 'fly'; perhaps because many types of butterfly are yellow, or because people believed that butterflies steal milk and butter]
a type of insect that has large wings, often with beautiful colours
have/get butterflies (in your stomach)informal to feel very nervous before doing something
 I always get butterflies before an exam.
the butterfly
a way of swimming by lying on your front and moving your arms together over your head while your legs move up and down
someone who usually moves on quickly from one activity or person to the next
 Gwen's a real social butterfly .
1. The wings of a butterfly are very delicate.

2. The Butterfly Effect is the reason.

3. His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.
