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formula为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2672


名词复数:formulas 副词:formulaically 形容词:formulaic


form=to form(形成),form(形状)

近义词, 同义词


/'fɔ:mjʊlə; `fɔrmjələ/
n (pl ~s or, in scientific use 作科技用语, 复数作 formulae / -mjUli:; -mjJli/) =>Usage at data 用法见data.
1 [C]
(a) (chemistry 化) set of symbols showing the elements that a substance is made of 分子式
*The formula for water is H2O. 水的分子式为H2O.
(b) (mathematics or physics 数或物) expression of a rule or relationship in algebraic symbols 公式
*the formula for converting gallons into litres 加仑与升的换算公式.
2 [C] fixed arrangement of words, esp as used on social, legal or ceremonial occasions 套语, 惯用语(尤指社交、法律场合或仪式上使用的)
*`How d'you do' and `Excuse me' are social formulae. `你好'和`对不起'是社交中的客套语.
* know the formula for addressing bishops 知道对主教的习惯称呼.
3 [C] list of ingredients or set of instructions for making sth, esp medicines and fuels 配方; 药方; 处方
*a formula for a new drug 新药的配方.
4 [C] set of statements or plans that can be agreed on by two or more persons or groups (双方或各方同意的)方案, 计画
*Managers and workers are still working out a peace formula. 劳资双方仍在商谈制订和解方案.
5 [C] ~ (for sth) method, plan, or set of principles worked out to achieve a desired result (为达到预期目的而制订的)方法, 计画, 原则
*There is no sure formula for success. 成功并无一定之规.
* a formula for a happy marriage 美满婚姻的信条.
6 [U] classification of racing cars of a particular size, engine capacity, etc 方程式(根据汽车大小、发动机容量等对赛车的分级)
*[attrib 作定语] Formula
1 racing cars 一级方程式赛车.
7 [U] (US) artificial powdered milk for babies 人造婴儿奶粉.


npluralformulasorformulae [-liː/
1. It contains extracts of fish, marine plants, and shrimp shells, which provide a formula including proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

2. They made experiments to test the empirical formula.

3. The chemical formula for salt is NaCl.

4. The company's formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain.

5. That the blood poison is, so to speak, a newer product from an improved formula.

6. It was Hart who created the basic formula of the Western film,
