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n.杀害,猎护品,赚得的一笔大钱 adj.致死的,使人疲乏的 v.杀害


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/'kɪlɪŋ; `kɪlɪŋ/
n (idm 习语) ,make a `killing have a great financial success 大走财运; 鸿运亨通
*She's made a killing on the stock market. 她在股票市场上大发了一笔财.

adj (infml 口)
1 exhausting 使人筋疲力尽的
*walk at a killing pace 拚命赶路.
2 very amusing 极为有趣的; 滑稽可笑的
*a killing joke 极为有趣的笑话. killingly adv (infml 口) extremely 非常地; 极端地
*a killingly funny film 非常有趣的影片.


the act of killing someone deliberately
= murder
 a series of gangland killings
 They murdered fifteen boys in a killing spree (=an occasion when a someone murders many people in a short period of time) across southern California.
make a killinginformal
to make a lot of money in a short time
 He made a killing on the stock exchange.
1. But this killing leaves him confused—not because it is a murder, but because “good people” failed to call the police.

2. By using pain-killing drugs that wear off quickly and a simple pain medicine, patients weren't driven into a long sleep and could breathe on their own sooner.

3. What you´ve done is killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

4. The hospitals had cut way back on the large amounts of pain-killing drugs usually given during and after surgery that were used primarily to control blood pressure, not pain.

5. Over time, people starve themselves of both food and air, effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves.

6. 6. What is the writer's level of comfort with killing a robber in self-defense?

7. Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being .

8. Hanging is an atrociously archaic way of killing a human being

9. He stabbed her a third time — killing her.

10. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects.
