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know为小学词汇   词频:52


名词:knower 形容词:knowable 动词过去式:knew 过去分词:known 现在分词:knowing 第三人称单数:knows

近义词, 同义词



/nəʊ; no/
v (pt knew / nju:; ?@ nu:; nu/, pp known / nEUn; non/)
1 (a) [I, Tn, Tf, Tw, Tt, Cn.t] have (sth) in one's mind or memory as a result of experience or learning or information 知道, 懂得, 了解(某事物)
*I'm not guessing I know! 我不是猜想--我知道!
* She doesn't know your address. 她不知道你的地址.
* Every child knows (that) two and two make four. 孩子都知道二加二等于四.
* I knew where he was hiding. 我知道他躲在什么地方.
* Do you know who Napoleon was? 你知道拿破仑是谁吗?
* Does he know to come here (ie that he should come here) first? 他知道要先到这里来吗?
* We knew her to be honest. 我们知道她很诚实.
(b) [Tnt, Tni] (only in the past and perfect tenses 只用于过去时态和完成时态) have seen, heard, etc 见过、听过等
*I've never known it (to) snow in July before. 我从未听说过有七月下雪的事.
* He's sometimes been known to sit there all day. 有时能见到他整天坐在那里.
2 [Tf] feel certain 确知; 确信
*I know (that) it's here somewhere it must be! 我肯定是在这里的什么地方--没错!
3 (a) [Tn] be acquainted with (sb) 认识(某人)
*Do you know Bob Hill? ie Have you met him, talked with him, etc? 你认识鲍勃·希尔吗?
* I know him by sight, but not to talk to, ie I have seen him but never spoken to him. 我见过他, 但没跟他说过话.
* We've known each other since we were children. 我们从小就认识.
(b) [Tn, Cn.n/a] ~ sth (as sth) be familiar with (a place) 熟悉(某地)
*I know Paris better than Rome. 我对巴黎比对罗马熟悉.
* I know London as the place where I spent my childhood. 我熟悉伦敦, 那是我度过童年的地方.
4 [Cn.n/a often passive 常用于被动语态] ~ sb/sth as sth regard sb/sth as (being) sth 认定某人[某事物]为某事物
*It's known as the most dangerous part of the city. 那地方都知道是市内最危险的地段.
* We know John Smith as a fine lawyer and a good friend. 我们认为约翰·史密斯是一位很好的律师和朋友.
5 [Cn.n/a usu passive 通常用于被动语态] ~ sb/sth as sth call, nickname or label sb/sth as sth 将某人[某事物]称为、起绰号叫作或标明为某事物
*a heavyweight boxer known as `The Greatest' 一名被称为`大力士'的重量级拳击手
* This area is known as the `Cornish Riviera'. 这地区称为`康沃尔郡度假胜地'.
6 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sb/sth) be able to distinguish (one person or thing) from another; recognize 能区分, 辨别, 认出(人或物)
*She knows a bargain when she sees one. 她有辨别便宜货的能力.
* know right from wrong 分辨是非
* I met so many people at the party that I wouldn't know half of them again. 我在聚会上见到很多人, 再见到连一半也未必能认出.
7 [Tn, Tw] understand and be able to use (a language, skill, etc) 会, 掌握(某语言、技巧等)
*know Japanese 会日语
* know how to swim 会游泳.
8 [Tn] have personal experience of (sth) 有(某事物)的亲身经历或体验
*a man who has known both poverty and riches 经历过贫富生活的男子.
9 (idm 习语) be,fore one ,knows where one `is very quickly or suddenly 迅速地; 突然地
*We were whisked off in a taxi before we knew where we were. 我们还未明白是在哪里, 就被计程车载走了. be known to sb be familiar to sb 为某人所熟知
*He's known to the police, ie has a criminal record. 警方很熟悉他(曾犯案). better the devil you know => better2.for all one knows considering how little one knows 据自己所知; 说不定
*For all I know he could be dead. 说不定他已经死了. for reasons/some reason best known to oneself => reason. God/goodness/Heaven knows
(a) I don't know 我不知道
*God knows what's happened to them. 谁知道他们怎么了.
(b) certainly; emphatically 确实; 的确
*She ought to succeed; goodness knows she tries hard enough. 她应能成功, 她确实够努力的. have/know all the answers (infml esp derog 口, 尤作贬义) (seem to) be cleverer and better-informed than other people (好像)什么都知道; 比别人精明. have/know sth off pat => pat1. know sth as well as `I/`you do understand sth perfectly well 对某事物很清楚
*You know as well as I do that you're being unreasonable. 你很清楚你不讲理. know sth `backwards (infml 口) be thoroughly familiar with sth 极熟悉某事物
*You've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now! 那本书你读了很多遍, 现在一定能倒背如流了! know `best know what should be done, etc better than other people 最知就里; 最在行
*The doctor told you to stay in bed, and he knows best. 医生叫你卧床休息, 他最清楚. know better (than that/than to do sth) be wise or sensible (enough not to do it) 明白事理而不至于(做某事)
*You ought to know better (than to trust her). 你应当明白(她这人不能相信). know sb by sight recognize who sb is without knowing him as a personal friend 面熟. know `different/`otherwise (infml 口) have information or evidence to the contrary 知道相反的情况; 有证据表明情况相反
*He says he was at the cinema, but I know different. 他说他那时在看电影, 可是我知道不是那么回事. know how many beans make five be shrewd and sensible in practical matters 精明; 在行. know sth inside `out/like the back of one's `hand (infml 口) be thoroughly familiar with a place, subject, etc 了如指掌; 了解透彻
*He's a taxi driver, so he knows London like the back of his hand. 他是计程车司机, 对伦敦市的街道了如指掌. know no `bounds (fml 文) be very great or too great 无限
*When she heard the news her fury knew no bounds. 她听到这个消息, 顿时怒不可遏. know one's `onions/`stuff (infml 口) be good at one's work, etc 了解本行; 精通业务. know one's own `mind know what one wants or intends 有自己的想法; 有决断. know the `score (infml 口) understand the true state of affairs 知道事情真相; 深通世故. know a thing or two (about sb/sth) (infml 口) know a lot (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])很了解
*She's been married five times, so she should know a thing or two about men. 她已结过五次婚, 对男人应有所了解了. know sb through and `through understand sb perfectly 完全了解某人. know one's way around be familiar with a place, subject, procedure, etc; be capable and well-informed 熟悉某处、某事、手续等; 有阅历; 了解情况. know what it is/what it's like (to be/do sth) have personal experience (of being/doing sth) 有做某事物的经历
*Many famous people have known what it is to be poor. 很多名人都领略过贫穷是什么滋味. know what one's `talking about (infml 口) speak from experience 作经验谈. know what's `what (infml 口) understand the important facts, rules of behaviour, etc in a particular situation 内行; 精明; 有头脑
*You're old enough now to know what's what. 你已经不小了, 应该知道好歹了. know which side one's `bread is buttered (infml saying 口, 谚) know where one's interests lie or what will be to one's advantage 知道自己利益所在; 善于为个人打算. let sb `know inform sb about sth 让某人知道某事物
*I don't know if I can come yet, but I'll let you know tomorrow. 我说不上是否能来, 可是我明天能告诉你. make oneself known to sb introduce oneself to sb 向某人作自我介绍
*There's our host; you'd better make yourself known to him. 那位是我们的主人, 你最好向他自我介绍一下. not know any `better not behave well, through lack of experience, bad upbringing, etc (因无教养或无经验)表现不好
*Don't blame the children for their bad manners they don't know any better. 不要责怪孩子们没规矩--他们还不懂. not know one's ,arse from one's `elbow ( sl derog 讳, 俚, 贬) be totally ignorant, stupid or inefficient 一窍不通; 愚蠢; 无能. not know the first thing about sb/sth/doing sth know nothing at all about sb/sth/doing sth 对某人[某事物]一无所知
*I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about gardening. 很遗憾, 我对园艺一无所知. not know sb from `Adam (infml 口) not know at all who sb is 完全不认识某人. not know what `hit one
(a) be suddenly injured or killed 突遭伤害; 突受杀害
*The bus was moving so fast she never knew what hit her. 公共汽车开得很快, 突然把她撞了.
(b) (infml fig 口, 比喻) be amazed or confused 大为惊奇; 迷惑不解
*The first time I heard their music I didn't know what had hit me. 我初次听他们的音乐时大为惊奇. not know where/which way to look (infml 口) be embarrassed, awkwardly self-conscious, etc 尴尬; 难堪; 难为情
*When he started undressing in public I didn't know where to look. 他在大庭广众之下脱衣服, 我感到很难为情. not want to know => want1. old enough to know better => old. show sb/know/learn the ropes => rope. see/know better days => better1. tell/know A and B apart => apart. that's what I'd like to know => like2. there's no `knowing it's difficult or impossible to know 难以逆料; 无法知道
*There's absolutely no knowing how he'll react. 他怎样反应很难逆料. (well) what do you `know (about `that)? (infml 口 esp US) (used to express surprise on hearing news, etc 用以表示听到消息等时感到惊讶) you know (infml 口)
(a) (used when reminding sb of sth 用以提醒某人)
*Guess who I've just seen? Marcia! You know Jim's ex-wife! 你猜刚才我看见谁了? 玛西娅! 你知道吗, 就是吉姆的前妻呀!
(b) (used as an almost meaningless expression when the speaker is thinking what to say next 用于说话时思索中作口头语, 无甚意义)
*`I was feeling a bit bored, you know, and so...' `我当时有点厌烦了, 你知道吗, 所以...' you know something/what? (infml 口) (used to introduce an item of news, expression of opinion, etc 用以提到一项新消息、表达看法等)
*You know something? Cathy and Tim are engaged. 你听说了吗? 卡西和蒂姆订婚了. you never know you cannot be certain 很难说; 事难逆料
*`It's sure to rain tomorrow.' `Oh, you never know, it could be a lovely day.' `明天准下雨.'`哦, 很难说, 也可能是个好天.'
* You should keep those old jam jars you never know when you might need them. 这些旧果酱瓶子应当留一留, 说不定什么时候会用得着.
10 (phr v) know about sth have knowledge of sth; be aware of sth 了解或知道某事物
*Not much is known about his background. 他的背景所知不多.
* Do you know about Jack getting arrested? 你知道杰克遭逮捕了吗? know of sb/sth have information about or experience of sb/sth 知道某人[某事物]的情况
*`Isn't tomorrow a holiday?' `Not that I know of (ie Not as far as I am aware).' `明天是假日吧?'`据我所知不是.'
* Do you know of any way to stop a person snoring? 你知道有什么方法可以制止打呼噜吗?
* I don't know him personally, though I know `of him. 我并不认识他, 但我听说过他.

n (idm 习语) in the `know (infml 口) (of a person) having information not possessed by others; well informed (指人)知情的, 消息灵通的.