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n.必要性,需要,(常 pl.) 必需品


necessity为短语/超纲词汇   词频:3451



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unnecessary  chance    


/nɪ'sesətɪ; nə`sɛsətɪ/
1 [U] ~ (for sth/to do sth) circumstances that force one to do sth; state of being necessary; need 迫使人做某事的情况; 必要性; 需要
*He felt a great necessity to talk about his problems. 他觉得很有必要谈谈自己的问题.
* She was driven by necessity to steal food for her starving children. 环境逼得她为挨饿的儿女偷窃食物.
* We will always come in cases of extreme necessity, ie if we are very much needed. 遇到紧急关头我们一定来.
* There's no necessity (for you) to write to your mother every single day. (你)不必每天都给你母亲写信.
* We must all bow to necessity, ie accept what is inevitable. 对无可奈何的事, 我们都得听之任之.
2 [C] necessary thing 必需品
*Food, clothing and shelter are all basic necessities of life. 衣、食、住所是生活的基本必需品.
3 [sing] natural law that is seen as governing human action (控制人类活动的)自然规律
*Is it a logical necessity that higher wages will lead to higher prices? 工资一高物价就高, 这是不是合乎逻辑的必然规律?
4 (idm 习语) make a virtue of necessity => virtue. ne,cessity is the ,mother of in`vention (saying 谚) the need for sth forces people to find a wayof getting it 需要是发明之母. of necessity necessarily; unavoidably; inevitably 必要地; 不可避免地.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French;Origin: necessité, from Latin necessitas, from necesse; NECESSARY]
something that you need to have in order to live
 She saw books as a necessity, not a luxury.
 A car is an absolute necessity if you live in the country.
the basic/bare necessities
 A lot of families cannot even afford to buy the basic necessities of life.
when something is necessary
necessity for
 He emphasized the necessity for good planning and management.
the necessity of (doing) sth
 This illustrates the necessity of keeping accurate records of your work.
 Many teachers are now questioning the necessity of formal exams.
through/out of necessity
 He only remained with the group out of necessity.
economic/practical/political etc necessity
 I'm afraid it's become a matter of economic necessity .
something that must happen, even if it is unpleasant
 Taxes are a regrettable necessity.
of necessity
formal used when something happens in a particular way because that is the only possible way it can happen
 Many of the jobs are, of necessity, temporary.
necessity is the mother of invention
used to say that if someone really needs to do something, they will find a way of doing it
1. But having satisfied the requirements of practical necessity, most people go no further.

2. We are faced with the necessity of buying a new car.

3. The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground, and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them.

4. No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children,

5. So what should responsible persons do when confronted with the necessity of such an enormous decision?

6. She could gather nothing from them but the feeling of a distinct necessity to leave her home in the next morning.
