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tobacco为高中词汇   词频:4590




/tə'bækəʊ; tə`bæko/
n (pl ~s)
1 [C, U] (type of) leaves that are dried, cured and used for smoking (in pipes, cigarettes and cigars) or chewing, or as snuff 烟叶.
2 [U] plant from which these leaves are obtained 烟草.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Spanish;Origin: tabaco, probably from Taino, 'tobacco leaves rolled up and smoked']
the dried brown leaves that are smoked in cigarettes, pipes etc
the plant that produces these leaves
1. But before he smoked cigarettes made by manufacturers -- when he was very young and very poor, with glowing eyes -- he smoked Prince Albert tobacco in cigarettes he rolled himself.

2. Tobacco fumes filled the air in the room.

3. The government decided to levy a tax on tobacco; it had been free from tax.

4. The tobacco industry, coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys, completely won over people like my father, who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes.
    烟草业,再加上好来坞电影——影 片中的男女主角都是老烟鬼——把像我父亲那样的人完完全全争取了过去, 他们无可救药地抽烟上了瘾。

5. He smokes tobacco in his pipe.

6. And a tin of tobacco.

7. Sales of tobacco have gone down.

8. Surely one such victory in my family, for the prosperous leaders who own the tobacco companies, is enough.

9. It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco.

10. In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly.
