1. When Augustus Octavian became emperor after Caesar´s death, he also named a month for himself — August.

2. There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August.

3. The heavy raids began in the middle of August, and Nazi bombs started to fall along England's Channel Coast.

4. The illness had not really left her; it had gone into hiding, instead, and the physical and mental after-effects of that historical August 6, 1945, would trouble Kaz all the rest of her life.

5. The WHO estimates that Bangkok, Thailand IV-drug users having the AIDS virus increased from less than 1 percent in August 1987 to 30 percent one year later.

6. As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment.

7. So when the north pole tips towards the sun, the northern half of the world (or the Northern Hemisphere) is warmer and has its summer (June, July and August).

8. So he took another day from February to make August as long as July.

9. June, July and August make the summer season.

10. It is always hot in June, July and August. The sun shines every day.
    6,7,8 月总是炎热的. 每天阳光灿烂.