1. Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof.

2. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.

3. The tiles on the roof overlap one another.

4. The roof of the mine passage collapsed.

5. There was no time for play now. On the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were softly cooing, and I said to myself, "
    现在可没功夫玩了. 在校舍的屋顶上有几只鸽子在咕咕地叫.

6. The contract specifies red tiles for the roof.

7. The roof is covered with tiles.

8. The day after, he asked him to mend his roof for him.

9. The tops of trees form a kind of roof, under which there is little light, as the sun cannot get in, and it is very quiet because the trees keep out the wind.

10. They dismissed their maid, they gave up their apartment, they took a garret under the roof.