1. But a cloned child born to such suspect parents stands no greater or lesser chance of being loved, or rejected, than a child created the normal way.

2. The suspect is a tall and bony man.

3. 9.You suspect your rent (房租) or some other regular expense will increase.

4. This might seem psychologically suspect.

5. Or the honest-but-framed cowboy, or the sheriff made suspect by vicious gossip;

6. Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.

7. If the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will be brought to trial.
    如果大陪审团对嫌疑犯提出起诉, 后者将被送法院审理。

8. I suspect that she is ill , but I´m not sure.

9. Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect.

10. I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete.