1. By comparison, nearly half of male high-school students express their preference for a traditional, male-headed, one provider, nuclear family, where the wife stays home as mother and housewife.
    与此相比, 几乎有一半男中学生表达了他们对传统的、以男人为家长的、只有一个人养家糊口的核心家庭的偏爱,在这种家庭里妻子作为母亲和家庭主妇呆在家里。

2. But selling them is no longer a beautiful experience for traditional flower shops.

3. Without his leadership and special way of thinking, members of the community quickly returned to the traditional marriage of one woman and one man.

4. This explosion is already freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional bondage to nature.

5. They adhere to the traditional custom.

6. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behaviour more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant.

7. The traditional criticism is that women are slaves to male ideas.

8. The third category involves payments made in countries where it is traditional to pay people to help with the passage of a business deal.

9. Now, Joe Gauld is trying to spread his controversial Character First idea to public, inner-city schools willing to use the tax dollars spent on the traditional program for the new approach.

10. However, most people with low iron reserves don't know they have a deficiency, because traditional methods of calculating the amount of iron in blood (by checking levels of the blood protein that transports oxygen) are not sufficient, Beard states.