1. Pierce J. Howard, another expert, says new research indicates that physical exercise increases the amount of certain brain chemicals that stimulate growth of nerve cells.
    另一名专家皮尔斯·J. 霍华德说,新的研究表明,体育锻炼提高了大脑中某些激发神经细胞生长的脑化学物质的含量。

2. Measurements made by Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois demonstrated that inactive adults, aged 63 to 82, could hit buttons faster in response to a tone after they went through a 10-week water exercise course.

3. Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may also power up the brain.

4. Consequently, the brains of people who exercise may be better equipped to tackle mental challenges.

5. One of the best answers he's ever received came from an 86-year-old man who learned the ancient Chinese exercise form of tai chi as part of Wolf's study of how exercise can help seniors prevent falls.

6. I walk to work every day because it is good exercise.

7. I want to describe a sociological exercise that might seem to validate it -- except that,
    我只是想描述一项社会学考察活动, 这项活动似乎证实了上述论点。

8. In the third and final stage, people often feel weak, tired, and out of breath — and exercise performance is severely compromised.

9. Whose analysis of the data on exercise and fall prevention appeared last year in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

10. In general, "the evidence is increasing that the more older people can do in terms of exercise, the better off they are — with two pieces of advice," says Province.