1. Operation Match went after government employees who had not paid back student loans the government had given them for college, and welfare clients with large unreported incomes."

2. The government does not require armies of police and civil servants to keep them in order.

3. It belongs to the government.

4. If a nation is essentially disunited, it is left to the government to hold it together.
    如果一个国家实际上处于分裂状态, 把它联合起来就是政府的事了。

5. In the United States , fifty individual states are united under the federal government.

6. In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly.

7. If a nation is essentially disunited, it is left to the government to hold it together.

8. In the 1970s, computers were common enough, but only in big business, government departments, and large organizations.

9. In Bathurst I sought the assistance of the Gambian government.

10. In recent years, the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca, the birthplace of Islam in Saudi Arabia.