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n.非洲人 adj.非洲的




/'æfrɪkən; `æfrɪkən/
adj of Africa or its people or languages 非洲的; 非洲人的; 非洲语言的.

n native of Africa, esp a dark-skinned person 非洲土人(尤指黑皮肤的人).
1. Education of African women has become a top priority for political activists.

2. What´s the difference between the Asian elephants and African elephants?

3. What´s the difference between the Asian elephants and African elephants?

4. When Kizzy was four or five, the African would take her by the hand and lead her round the farm and teach her names of things in his native tongue: one word for tree, another for rock, another for cow.

5. This African, so I made out, had been brought on a ship to a place they pronounced as "Napalis".

6. The African kept trying to escape — which in those days was to attempt the impossible — and each time he was caught and brought back.

7. The African had a passion to keep his African origin alive.

8. Those traditions teach that African women cook, clean, take care of children, sow and harvest crops and support their husbands.

9. Those findings, plus the great genetic distance between present-day Africans and non-Africans, indicate that the split from the African branch is the oldest on the human family tree.

10. He fought in the N African campaign during the last war.
