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1. Bolongo, he explained, meant river or stream in Mandinka, and Kamby-Bolongo could be Gambia River.

2. Well, she came with the same cargo she had on leaving James Fort, Gambia River, except that her original 140 slaves had become 98.

3. Number 18 was of a ship moving out of the Gambia River,James Fort.

4. She spent the next ten months on the Gambia River, slaving.

5. On this second leg of the triangular trade, the ship went southward across the Bay of Biscay, down past the Canaries, into the mouth of the Gambia River.

6. On page three, 1 October 1767, was the ad of the agents of the ship, announcing the arrival of the Lord Ligonier under Captain Davies from the River Gambia, with a cargo of "fresh, choice, healthy slaves for sale, to be sold the following Wednesday a
    在第3页上,1767年10月1 日,记录着轮船代理人的广告,宣布来自冈比亚河由戴维斯船长率领的利戈尼尔勋爵号带来了一船“新鲜的、精选的、健壮的奴隶,将于下个星期三在梅格码头出售。”

7. It was on a Thursday morning that I heard the words Gambia River; on Monday morning I was in Africa.

8. I found "the King´s soldiers" which the village elder spoke of were Colonel O´Hara´s forces, which had been sent from London to the Gambia River to guard the British fort, James Slave Fort, and the date — 1767 — was right on.

9. From Mauritania a branch of that branch moved to Gambia, Where they settled in the village Juffure.
