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gospel为中学词汇   词频:5839

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/'gɒspl; `ˇɑspl/
1 (Bible 圣经)
(a) the Gospel [sing] (the life and teaching of Jesus as recorded in) the first four books of the New Testament 圣经新约四福音书; 福音(记载于福音书中的耶稣生平及其教导)
*preach the Gospel 传布福音.
(b) [C] any one of these books 新约四福音书之一
*the Gospel according to St John 约翰福音
* St John's Gospel 约翰福音
* [attrib 作定语] the gospel message, story, etc 福音信息、故事等.
2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] set of principles 原则; 主义; 信条
*spreading the gospel of hard work 宣传努力工作的原则
* the gospel according to which one lives 生活的准则
* Health of body and mind is my gospel. 保持身心健康是我的信条.
3 [U] (infml 口) the truth (esp of an unlikely story or a rumour) 真事(尤指貌似不实的事或传言)
*Is that gospel? 那是真的吗?
* You can take this as absolute gospel, ie should believe it. 你应该相信这是千真万确的.
* [attrib 作定语] gospel truth, ie completely reliable 完全可信的事实.
4 [U] religious music of black American origin in a popular or folk style 福音音乐(源于美国黑人歌曲宗教音乐, 有流行歌曲或民歌风格)
*[attrib 作定语] gospel singers 福音歌曲演唱者.


[Language: Old English;Origin: godspel, from god 'good' + spell 'story, news']
one of the four books in the Bible about Christ's life
 the Gospel according to St Luke
alsoGospel [singular]
the life of Christ and the ideas that he taught
preach/spread the gospel
(=tell people about it)
 Missionaries were sent to preach the Gospel.
 gospel stories
[C usually singular]
a set of ideas that someone believes in very strongly and tries to persuade other people to accept
spread/preach the gospel
 spreading the gospel of science
alsogospel truth[U]
something that is completely true
 Don't take everything she says as gospel (=don't believe everything she says) .
alsogospel music[U]
a type of Christian music in which religious songs are sung very loudly
 a gospel choir