

美音:[(noun) ´redıŋ (verb) ´ri:dıŋ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[(noun) ´redıŋ (verb) ´ri:dıŋ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.阅读,知识,读物,表演,对法律条文的解释 adj.阅读的


reading为六级词汇   词频:1710

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/'ri:dɪŋ; `ridɪŋ/
1 [U]
(a) action of a person who reads 阅读; 朗读
*be fond of reading 喜欢读书
* [attrib 作定语] reading matter, ie books, newspapers, etc 阅读材料(书、报等)
* have a reading knowledge of French, ie understand it when written 有阅读法语的能力.
(b) books, etc intended to be read 读物; 读本
*heavy/light reading, ie for study/entertainment 学习[消遣]读物
* Her articles make/are interesting reading for travellers. 她的文章旅行的人很喜欢看.
(c) knowledge gained from books 书本知识
*a pupil of wide reading 有丰富书本知识的学生.
2 [C] amount indicated or registered by a measuring instrument (仪器上的)读数
*readings on a thermometer, dial, etc 温度计、刻度盘等的读数
* The readings we took were well above average. 我们记录的读数远远高于平均数.
3 [C] way in which sth is interpreted or understood (对某事物的)解释, 理解
*my reading of this clause in the contract, ie what I think it means 我对合同中这一条款的理解
* Give me your reading of the situation. 告诉我你对局势的看法.
4 [C] variant wording of a text, esp when more than one version of it exists 异文(尤指不同版本的)
*different readings (eg by editors) of a speech in Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》剧中一段台词的异文(如经编者改动过的).
5 [C]
(a) entertainment at which sth is read to an audience; passage read in this way 朗诵会; 朗诵的章节
*a poetry-/play-reading 诗歌[剧本]朗诵会
* readings from Dickens 狄更斯作品的朗诵片段.
(b) formal announcement of sth to an audience 向公众正式宣布的事物; 告白
*the reading of a will, marriage banns, etc 遗嘱、结婚等的启事.
(c) formal reading aloud of a passage from the Bible (在仪式上朗读的)《圣经》中的章节
*a reading from St John's gospel 选自《约翰福音》的朗读.
6 [C] (in the British parliament) one of the three stages of debate through which a Bill must pass before it is ready for royal assent (英国议会中)一法案在提交国王批准以前须通过的三读之任何一次.


3【act of reading】
5【to a group】
6 make (for) interesting/fascinating/compelling etc reading
8【in parliament】
the activity or skill of understanding written words
 She loves reading.
 Reading is taught using a combination of several methods.
books and other things that you can read
 Her main reading seems to be mystery novels.
 a bit of light reading (=things that are easy and enjoyable to read) for my holiday
 There's a list of further reading (=other things you can read) at the end of each chapter.
 a supply of interesting reading material
【ACT OF READING】 [singular]
when you read something
 The book is quite difficult on first reading .
 a close reading of the text (=when you read it very carefully)
your way of understanding what a particular statement, situation, event etc means
= interpretationreading of
 What's your reading of the government's response to this crisis?
【TO A GROUP】[C]a) an occasion when a piece of literature is read to a group of people
 a poetry reading at the bookstore
b) a piece of writing, especially from the Bible, that is read to a group of people
 The first reading is from Corinthians I, Chapter 3.
make (for) interesting/fascinating/compelling etc reading
to be interesting etc to read
 Your report made fascinating reading.
a number or amount shown on a measuring instrument
 We take temperature readings every two hours.
one of the occasions in the British Parliament or the US Congress when a suggested new law is discussed
 the second reading of the Industrial Relations Bill
1. But he´s not reading his newspaper tonight.

2. Bonpland set up one of the electrometers to measure the electric discharge, but there was no reading.

3. But soon his laughter faded, and later he told me he was astonished that my reading was so " accurate" .

4. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.
    我的朋友乔治正在床上看书时. 两个贼爬进了他的厨房.

5. We enjoy reading about them, especially when we find that, like the praying mantis, they lead perfectly horrible lives.

6. While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.

7. When he finishes, the entire reading, writing, and math patterns he needs to know are impressed right on his brain.

8. The asterisk after "Reduced to $ 1.95" refers to a footnote reading "Today only."

9. The blacksmith was there reading the notice.

10. They are having a reading contest now.
