1. Before proceedings, Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt, the only head of state, would preside at the first formal session. 丘吉尔和斯大林会前商定,罗斯福是唯一的国家元首,将由他主持第一次正式会晤。
2. While I had met Roosevelt at large diplomatic receptions in Washington, my contact had been limited to a brief handshake and an exchange of a few words. 在华盛顿的大型外交招待会上我曾见到过罗斯福,我与他的接触也只局限于短暂的握手和简单的几句交流。
3. This would have required Roosevelt to drive daily through unguarded streets across town to the Soviet and British embassies. 如果这样安排,罗斯福总统就要每天乘车穿过未加警戒的市区,前往苏联和英国大使馆。
4. That evening (November 28, 1943) Roosevelt was host at a steak and baked potato dinner prepared by his Filipino mess boys. 那天晚上(1943年11月28日),罗斯福请吃晚餐,吃的是他的菲律宾厨师准备的牛排和烤马铃薯。
5. The next day, November 29, Roosevelt seemed alert as ever. 第二天,11月29日,罗斯福看上去和平日一样的活跃。
6. The conversation soon turned to the plan for a general world organization, an idea which Roosevelt had cherished for quite some time. 话题很快转到建立一个综合性的世界组织的计划上,这是罗斯福心爱的设想,脑子里已经琢磨很久了。
7. Harriman sat at Roosevelt´s right, I at Roosevelt´s left, and Hopkins next to me. 哈里曼坐在罗斯福的右边,我坐在罗斯福的左边,霍普金斯坐在我旁边。
8. After Roosevelt had retired, Churchill raised the question of Poland, illustrating with three matches what he hoped would happen to that country´s borders. 罗斯福离席后,丘吉尔提出了波兰问题。他用三根火柴来举例说明他所希望的这个国家边界会发生的事。
9. Stalin proposed that Roosevelt move into a separate building in the heavily guarded Soviet Compound, where the meetings could be held in safety. 斯大林建议罗斯福住到戒备森严的苏联大使馆内的一栋楼内,在那里能够很安全地召开会议。
10. Roosevelt accepted Stalin´s offer, and on November 28 moved to the building Stalin put at his disposal. 罗斯福接受了斯大林的建议,于11月28日搬进了这座斯大林交由他使用的楼内。