1. Before proceedings, Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt, the only head of state, would preside at the first formal session.

2. While I had met Roosevelt at large diplomatic receptions in Washington, my contact had been limited to a brief handshake and an exchange of a few words.

3. This would have required Roosevelt to drive daily through unguarded streets across town to the Soviet and British embassies.

4. That evening (November 28, 1943) Roosevelt was host at a steak and baked potato dinner prepared by his Filipino mess boys.

5. The next day, November 29, Roosevelt seemed alert as ever.

6. The conversation soon turned to the plan for a general world organization, an idea which Roosevelt had cherished for quite some time.

7. Harriman sat at Roosevelt´s right, I at Roosevelt´s left, and Hopkins next to me.

8. After Roosevelt had retired, Churchill raised the question of Poland, illustrating with three matches what he hoped would happen to that country´s borders.

9. Stalin proposed that Roosevelt move into a separate building in the heavily guarded Soviet Compound, where the meetings could be held in safety.

10. Roosevelt accepted Stalin´s offer, and on November 28 moved to the building Stalin put at his disposal.
