

美音:[´stɔlən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´stɔlən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


1. Before proceedings, Churchill and Stalin agreed that Roosevelt, the only head of state, would preside at the first formal session.

2. With Stalin were Voroshilov, Molotov, and Pavlov.

3. When Churchill completed his argument, Stalin leaned forward and said he wanted to ask an indiscreet question: "Do the British really believe in Overlord, or are you only saying so to reassure the Russians?"

4. With the Overlord dispute settled, Churchill attempted to draw Stalin out on the Far East, but the Russian was reluctant.

5. During the conversation, the President brought up the question of access to the Baltic Sea, but through a mistake in translation Stalin thought the President was referring to the Baltic States.

6. As host, Stalin welcomed his guests and then added: "Now let us get down to business."

7. Although Stalin was always cautious about committing himself to any particular type of organization, he never showed any antagonism to the idea of a world body.

8. Stalin proposed that Roosevelt move into a separate building in the heavily guarded Soviet Compound, where the meetings could be held in safety.

9. Stalin said that if he understood the question rightly, he was in favour of assuring free navigation to and from the Baltic Sea.

10. Stalin pressed for a decision to launch Overlord in May, saying, "I don´t care if it is the lst, 15th,or 20th, but a definite date is important."
