
a certain degree



a certain degree为短语/超纲词汇
1. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs do, and are capable of a considerable degree of personal affection.

2. WHO believes that, as AIDS becomes more common, the disease promises to unite the world to a degree never seen before.

3. When you're faced with an immediate temptation, remind yourself of your long-term goals — whether they be losing weight or getting a medical degree.

4. The line of zero degree longitude passes through Greenwich.

5. The tempreture shown on thermometer is 16 degree centigrade.

6. The degree of secrecy naturally varies considerably.

7. The body´s tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree,

8. This kind of variability not only loosens the parents' ability to set limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree, robbing parents and their children of some of the happiness and mutual respect that is present in healthy famili
    这样的反复无定不但削弱了父母管教孩子的能力,同时也在某种程度上使父母与子女之间的关系变味 -- 使家长和子女失去存在于健康家庭里的某些幸福和相互尊重。

9. To the degree that we accept and allow such treatment we buy the ageist assumptions that permit this treatment.

10. He was an immensely talented man, determined to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars.
