2. By the next day the exposed parts of his body had turned a chocolate brown. 第二天,他身上裸露的部位变成了巧克力一样的棕色。
3. By 2084, if we can store a dead body in a cold refrigerator room soon enough, lots of people who now would die may not. 到2084年,如果我们能及早将尸体储存到冷藏室内,那么许多现在可能难逃一死的人或许可以就起死回生了。
4. But the human body attacks and destroys tissue from other species. 但是人体会攻击并破坏来自其他物种的组织。
5. Because Australia's native people and black Africans share such superficial characteristics as skin color and body shape, they were widely assumed to be closely related. 因为澳洲土著和非洲黑人之间有一些共同的外表特征,如肤色、体型等,所以普遍认为他们有较近的亲缘关系。
6. It is very rarely that one comes across a dead body, except, of course, on the roads. 但是,除非在路上,很少有人遇到这些动物的尸体,
7. Would it, he wondered, do the same to bacteria in the human body? 因此,他思索着:这种霉菌是否也能杀灭人体内的细菌呢?
8. Wilmut knew that each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions — instructions to grow a complete individual. 威尔莫特知道,身体的每一个细胞都含有一整套基因指令——长成一个完整个体的指令。
9. Women, she believes, should take responsibility for the natural balance of their body chemistry. 她认为女性有必要保持体内自然的化学平衡。
10. The success was due not to one man but to corporate effort. 成功非一人之功, 而是集体努力的结果。