a fine day for young ducks
a fine day for young ducks为短语/超纲词汇
1. Everyone marvelled at the young violinist´s great brilliance. 人人都对这位年轻的小提琴家的卓越才华感到惊讶。
2. Every cock crows at the dawn of day. 公鸡黎明啼鸣。
3. Every day I start work at 9:00 and finish at 5:00. 我每天九点开始工作,五点结束。
4. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; 再早一些,我们是幼儿和小孩子,身体较脆弱;
5. Each day is a holiday, 每天都是假日,
6. Everyone went to the funeral, for the ´ghost´ was none other than Eric Cox, a third brother who was supposed to have died as a young man. 大家都去参加了葬礼,因为那"鬼"不是别人,正是农场主的兄弟埃里克.考科斯。人们以为埃里克年轻时就死了。
7. Everything was fine until one day they found they had spent all their money. 诸事顺心如意。可是有一天,他们发现钱已花光了。
8. Every day they parted in the morning and met in the evening. 此后,他们早上分手晚上见,每天如此。
9. Every day you have said to yourself, 你以前总是在想:
10. Everyone was curious to see those young men fresh from Europe, still wearing their white linen shirts and striped waistcoats and buckled shoes. 大家都好奇地看着这两个刚从欧洲来的青年人,他们俩人依然欧洲打扮,身穿雪白细麻衬衣,花条呢背心,带靴扣的皮靴。