a limb of the devil
a limb of the devil为短语/超纲词汇
1. If these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion, or whimsies sent by the devil to mock and madden us, 如果某种玄妙事物的暗示不是消化不良引起的邪恶情绪,也不是魔鬼为了捉弄我们,使我们发狂而送给我们的邪念,
2. "The movements are very slow and careful and involve a great deal of body movement and standing on a single limb. 它的动作缓慢、细腻,动则牵引全身,立则依附单腿。
3. "There are mysterious and strange things going on out there," admits Richard Winer, author of The Devil's Triangle, a book that has sold 500,000 copies since its publication three months ago. "那里的怪事、奇事层出不穷,"《魔鬼三角》的作者理查德·文纳说。他这本书从三个月前出版以来,已经售出了50万册。
4. “I swear I'm going to raise the devil with the management this time; I am angry,” he said. "我发誓,这一次我一定要找管理部门大吵一场,真让人生气," 他说,