a money of account
a money of account为短语/超纲词汇
1. Economize in order to make one´s money spin out until next payday. 节省花钱以维持到下一次发薪。
2. Everything was fine until one day they found they had spent all their money. 诸事顺心如意。可是有一天,他们发现钱已花光了。
3. Estimates are that he poured nearly £5 million of the stolen money into the village and gave jobs to 43 people. 据估计他在该村投入了近500万英镑的赃款,提供了43个就业机会。
4. But if you are a serious private investor, leave the Las Vegas mentality to those with money to fritter. 但是,如果你是一个认真的私人投资者,就把拉斯韦加斯的心态留给那些有钱可供挥霍的人。
5. But if we spend all that money we´ll be poor again. 但是如果我们把所有钱都花光了,我们又会变穷的。
6. Before I reach the door, I think I hear a voice say, money. Before I open the door I hear a voice and turn to see the man with a gun. 我同样也很生气,因为那是一个我从未见过、也从未伤害过的人在用枪指着我。
7. But no one made much money on the invention until a Canadian businessman decided to call it a "zipper (拉链)". 但并没有人因此而发财。最后,一个加拿大商人决定给它起命为"拉链"。
8. But no one could have possibly guessed the truth — that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scotla 可是谁也没有料到这个事实:这个财源滚滚、举止友好的人并非什么勋爵,而是一名政府公务员。他幻想自己是位苏格兰贵族,并从苏格兰场(即伦敦警察总署)盗用钱财来买这个贵族头衔。
9. But household money spent for non-durable goods actually declined slightly from 1972 to 1987. 但实际上,非耐用商品的户均消费在1972至1987年间略有下降。
10. But make no mistake about it, what most of them are about is money — and how financial assets will be divided up if a couple divorces. 但是不要弄错了,大多数婚前协议涉及到的都是钱——以及如果夫妻一旦离婚该怎样分配财产。