
a second birth



a second birth为短语/超纲词汇
1. Birth is much, but breeding is more.

2. But with such a large population base, the country must still convert millions more to the idea of birth control if it is to reach its population targets.

3. With the passage of time and the birth of grandchildren, their mothers accepted their marriage.

4. The day after the birth of the five children, an aeroplane arrived in Aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers.

5. The government has succeeded in increasing use of birth control from 10 percent of the population 20 years ago to 49 percent today.

6. Then in 1980 the birth of her son added a new element to her work.

7. Twins separated at birth do sometimes share personality characteristics, but such characteristics in a cloned son or daughter would only be reminders of the child who was lost.

8. They can bring egg and sperm together artificially and dispose of any affected baby before placing it in the mother, or before birth — though that might be objectionable, too.

9. Total darkness came as a result of a swelling of the nerve leading to his eye — a condition that was unrelated to the eye disease that had limited his vision since birth.

10. He is of no birth.
