a son of dripping
a son of dripping为短语/超纲词汇
1. Eric had been the eldest son of the family, very much older than his two brothers. 埃里克是这家长子。年龄比他两个弟弟大很多,
2. Every time a packet left her hands, the hateful yellow face of the officer who had taken her son away flared up in her mind. 每当一小捆传单从她手中发出去时,她的脑海中就会闪现出那个把她儿子带走的军官那张可恶的黄色的脸。
3. Einstein's father was an electrical engineer who fascinated his son with practical displays of physics. 爱因斯坦的父亲是个电气工程师,他表现出的物理知识使儿子很着迷。
4. But the wrong Marine had become the right son at the right time. 但是,这个假儿子在老人真正需要儿子的时刻却成了真正的儿子。
5. When I realized he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, I guessed he really needed me. So I stayed. " 我发现他病得这么重,都认不出我不是他的儿子后,我想他确实是很需要我的。所以我留下来了。"
6. The duke´s son demeaned himself by doing manual labor with his servants . 公爵的儿子降低自己的身份和佣人一起做工。
7. The mother supplicated the judge to spare her son. 母亲恳求法官宽恕她的儿子。
8. The day my son Larry started kindergarten (幼儿园) he gave up trousers with bibs (围嘴) and began wearing blue jeans with a belt. 开始上幼儿园的那一天,我儿子劳里扔掉了带围涎的裤子,开始穿起束皮带的牛仔裤。
9. There, when he came to now and again, the man repeatedly called for his son. 在医院里,这老汉时昏时醒, 反反复复,不断叫唤, 要见儿子。
10. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son through most of the night. 弥留之际的老人则什么也没说,只是在那一夜大部分的时间里紧紧握着儿子的手。