a whale at
a whale at为短语/超纲词汇
1. We may live to see the extinction of the whale. 人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝.
2. Whale is not a fish; it is a mammal. 鲸不是鱼类,它是一种哺乳动物。
3. Whale is the biggest animal. 鲸是最大的动物.
4. The whale expelled water from his blow hole. 鲸鱼从鼻孔排水。
5. The whale is the giant of the sea. 鲸是海洋中的庞然大物。
6. A whale is a fish. True or false? 鲸鱼是一种鱼. 对还是错?