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acceptable为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2351


副词:acceptably 名词:acceptability


ceive=to take(取) 变化型 cept,cip,cipate

近义词, 同义词


/ək'septəbl; ək`sɛptəbl/
adj ~ (to sb)
1 (a) worth accepting 值得接受的
*Is the proposal acceptable to you? 这个建议你认为可以接受吗?
(b) welcome 受欢迎的
*A cup of tea would be most acceptable. 来一杯茶就最好不过了.
2 tolerable 可容忍的
*an acceptable risk, sacrifice, profit margin, .


good enough to be used for a particular purpose or to be considered satisfactory
acceptable to
 an agreement which is acceptable to all sides
 Students who achieve an acceptable standard will progress to degree studies.
 How do we reach an acceptable level of data security?
acceptable behaviour is considered to be morally or socially good enough
 Alcohol is not an acceptable way out of your problems.
 Here, the students set the standards for acceptable behaviour .
acceptable (for sb) to do sth
 It is not socially acceptable for parents to leave children unattended at that age.
 It is perfectly acceptable to sample the food before you buy.
>acceptability [ək,septə'bɪlɪti/
1. This happens when you pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you.

2. Students detail behavioral guidelines for their room, including acceptable hours for study and sleep, a policy for use of each other's possessions and how messages will be handled.

3. Lacking the culturally acceptable symbols of belonging in this setting, we became, to a degree, objects, with less inherent dignity as persons.

4. I wonder if this proposal is acceptable to you.

5. If you only occasionally use one of these coping mechanisms to help yourself survive, that is acceptable.
