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acquaintance为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5809



近义词, 同义词


/ə'kweɪntəns; ə`kwentəns/
1 [U] ~ with sth/sb (often slight) knowledge of sth/sb 对某事物[某人](常为略微的)了解
*He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他稍微会一点儿日语.
2 [C] person whom one knows but who is not a close friend 相识而非密友者; 泛泛之交
*He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交游甚广.
* She's an old acquaintance, ie I've known her for a long time. 她是个老相识(我早就认识她).
3 (idm 习语) have a nodding acquaintance with sb/sth => nod. make sb's acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb get to know sb; meet sb personally 结识某人; 与某人相见
*I made his acquaintance at a party. 我是在一个聚会 上认识他的. on (further) ac`quaintance when known for a (longer) period of time 认识了一段(较长)时间以後
*His manner seemed unpleasant at first, but he improved on further acquaintance. 他的举止起初让人很不愉快, 但是经过进一步接触他改了许多. scrape an acquaintance with sb => scrape1.


1【somebody you know】
3 make somebody's acquaintance
5 of your acquaintance
6 on first acquaintance
someone you know, but who is not a close friend
 She was a casual acquaintance of my family in Vienna.
 He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance (=someone you and another person both know) .
【RELATIONSHIP】 [singular, U]
a relationship with someone you know, but who is not a close friend
 They developed an acquaintance over the Internet.
 You can't judge her on such short acquaintance (=when you have not known her long) .
 My uncle did not improve on further acquaintance (=when you knew him better) .
make sb's acquaintance
formal to meet someone for the first time
 I should be delighted to make Mrs McGough's acquaintance.
 At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of a young American actor.
knowledge or experience of a particular subject
acquaintance with
 The practice of a lawyer requires acquaintance with court procedures.
have a passing/nodding acquaintance with sth
(=have only slight knowledge or experience of something)
 He has a passing acquaintance with a lot of different subjects.
of your acquaintance
formal a person of your acquaintance is someone that you know
 The poems were written by various women of her acquaintance.
on first acquaintance
formal when you meet someone for the first time
 Most people are nicer than you think on first acquaintance.
1. He is my recent acquaintance.
