

an organization in the US and the UK that demands more help and support for people with AIDS
1. Each new act that confirms your job loss starts the pain again:

2. But if no one can be trusted to act in a loyal and responsible manner towards his job, then the business will require armies of administrators, checkers, and foremen, and administrative overheads will rise correspondingly.

3. Becoming more creative means paying attention to that endless flow of ideas you produce, and learning to capture and act upon the new that's within you.

4. When Harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed, the girl promised to order some for him.

5. When Harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed, the assistant promised to order some for him.

6. We were also prepared to act out some mildly unusual behavior that might speak of some emotional problems, without appearing seriously disturbed or dangerous.
    我们也准备做出一些稍微有点不正常的行为, 表明我们情感上有问题、但看上去又不是神经很不正常或对他人有危险的行为。

7. We weren't up to trying our act at an exclusive restaurant, so we wandered around the first floor and left.

8. We still have guns, but the bullets are fake, and videos are played where actors act out various types of situations.

9. This move constitutes an act of aggression.

10. This determined him to act immediately.
