

n.即兴表演 adj.即兴的,临时穿插的 v.在演奏时自由发挥




v past tense and past participlead-libbedpresent participlead-libbing
[Date: 1900-2000; Origin: ad lib 'without any preparation' (19-21 centuries), from Modern Latin ad libitum 'according to desire']
[I and T]
to say things that you have not prepared or planned when you are performing or giving a speech
 I never use a script; I just ad lib the whole programme.
1. On page three, 1 October 1767, was the ad of the agents of the ship, announcing the arrival of the Lord Ligonier under Captain Davies from the River Gambia, with a cargo of "fresh, choice, healthy slaves for sale, to be sold the following Wednesday a
    在第3页上,1767年10月1 日,记录着轮船代理人的广告,宣布来自冈比亚河由戴维斯船长率领的利戈尼尔勋爵号带来了一船“新鲜的、精选的、健壮的奴隶,将于下个星期三在梅格码头出售。”

2. In recent years, the government has waged a massive ad campaign to encourage birth control, offering inducements such as free trips to Mecca, the birthplace of Islam in Saudi Arabia.
