

美音:[ə´fektəd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ə´fektəd ]点这儿播放单词英音发声




名词:affectedness 副词:affectedly

近义词, 同义词




/ə'fektɪd; ə`fɛktɪd/
adj not natural or genuine; pretended; artificial 不自然的; 不真实的; 装扮的; 做作的
*an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc 虚伪的礼貌, 强作欢颜
* a highly affected style of writing 极为矫揉造作的写作风格
* Do try not to be so affected. 千万别这么装模作样的.


not sincere or natural
 an affected laugh
1. Being laid off from work, job loss and recession (衰退) have always affected Walter Cronkite's tone of voice and the editor's page.

2. We are lucky in that only the lower fields, which make up a very small proportion of our farm, are affected by flooding,

3. The tax increases have affected us all.

4. They can bring egg and sperm together artificially and dispose of any affected baby before placing it in the mother, or before birth — though that might be objectionable, too.

5. They have been gaining in acceptance in the United States since the early 1980s, when more states began passing laws that affected the division of financial assets in a divorce.

6. He wasn´t affected by the news.

7. And maybe they affected a neighborhood business or a friend's uncle.

8. Seas and oceans are changing. Trees are cut down, more soil washes away, and water quality is affected.

9. Madame Loisel was affected.

10. I assumed because I didn't believe in violence, because I wasn't violent, I wouldn't be affected by violence. I believed my belief in the best of human nature could make it real.
