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afraid为小学词汇   词频:1596

近义词, 同义词


cowardly  fearful  frightened  scared  bold  brave    


/ə'freɪd; ə`fred/
adj [pred 作表语]
1 (a) ~ (of sb/sth); ~ (of doing sth/to do sth) frightened 畏惧; 害怕
*Don't be afraid. 不要怕.
* There's nothing to be afraid of. 没有什么可害怕的.
* Are you afraid of snakes? 你怕蛇吗?
* He's afraid of going out/to go out alone at night. 他害怕夜晚独自出去.
* Don't be afraid (ie Don't hesitate) to ask for help if you need it. 倘若需要帮忙的话, 尽管提出来(不必犹豫).
(b) ~ of doing sth/~ that... worried or anxious about (the possible result of sth) 担忧或忧虑(某事物可能产生的後果); 恐怕
*I didn't mention it because I was afraid of upsetting him/afraid (that) I might upset him. 我没有提起那件事, 因为我怕他心烦意乱.
* He's afraid of losing customers/that he might lose customers. 他怕失去顾客[可能失去顾客].
(c) ~ for sth/sb frightened or worried about things that may put sth/sb in danger 担心(某事物[某人]会遇到危险)
*parents afraid for (the safety of) their children 为儿女(的安全)担忧的父母.
2 (idm 习语) be afraid of one's own shadow be very timid 很胆小; 非常胆怯. I'm afraid (that...) (usu without that, used to express politely a piece of information that may be unwelcome 通常不用 that, 用以有礼貌地表达可能令人不快的信息) I am sorry to say 我很抱歉地说
*I'm afraid we can't come. 很抱歉, 我们不能来.
* I can't help you, I'm afraid. 我帮不了你的忙, 对不起.
* `Have we missed the train?' `I'm afraid so.' ‘我们误了火车了吗?’‘很遗憾, 是误了.’
* `Have you any milk?' `I'm afraid not.' ‘你有牛奶吗?’‘对不起, 没有.’


adj [not before noun]
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Past participle of affray 'to frighten' (14-19 centuries), from Old French affreer; AFFRAY]
frightened because you think that you may get hurt or that something bad may happen
= scared
 There's no need to be afraid.
afraid of (doing) sth
 kids who are afraid of the dark
 He was afraid of being caught by the police.
afraid to do sth
 Zoe was half afraid (=a little afraid) to go back in the house.
see usage notefear1
worried about what might happen, or that something bad will happen
afraid (that)
 He was afraid that the other kids would laugh at him.
afraid of (doing) sth
 I didn't tell her because I was afraid of upsetting her.
 The government was afraid of a public outcry.
afraid to do sth
 Don't be afraid to ask for help.
afraid for sb/sth
worried that something bad may happen to a particular person or thing
 Her father looked ill and she was suddenly afraid for him.
 Many of us were afraid for our jobs.
I'm afraid
spoken used to politely tell someone something that may annoy, upset, or disappoint them
 That's the most we can offer you, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid (that)
 I'm afraid you've come to the wrong address.
 'Is she very ill?' ' I'm afraid so (=yes) .'
 'Did you see him?' ' I'm afraid not (=no) .'
1. This room´s rather dusty, I´m afraid.
    我看, 这间屋子的尘土未免太多了.

2. The French remain afraid that their language will die out.

3. He was afraid he might not be able to finish it, and he gladly received young people, "for," he used to say, "I must train up men who will continue the Communist propaganda after I am gone."

4. Hers was the most extreme crisis I'd ever confronted, and at first I was terribly afraid.

5. Don’t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be more intelligent than you are.

6. Are you afraid to stay with barbarians?

7. ´It´s working all right, but I´m afraid that at one o´clock it will strike thirteen times and there´s nothing I can do about it.´

8. And she was slicing so quickly, seemingly not paying attention to her sharp chopping knife, that I was afraid the tips of her fingers would become one of the ingredients of the purple vegetable and pork dish.

9. Afraid to look at the score-board, I watched Ron's face. Suddenly he leaped into the air, the crowd cheered, and I knew I'd won — two gold medals, one for the three-meter springboard, one for the ten-meter platform.

10. A husband and wife both said, “Frankly, we were afraid.”
