air conditioning
air conditioning为中学词汇
air conditioning
'air con.ditioning
a system that makes the air in a room or building cooler and drier
1. But can the colossal cities of the future really function without overloading all their services to the point of collapse and destroying the environment through pollution of air and water? 但未来的巨城真的能够正常活动,而不会使城市的一切公共设施因超负荷而崩溃、不会由于空气和水的污染而使环境受到破坏吗?
2. But I did not know that the sun could shine and the air remain cold; no one had ever told me. 但我不知道阳光灿烂时,空气还会是冰冷的,从来没有人告诉过我这一点。
3. But then Sam lets go of the swing. He flies into the air and lands face down in the dirt. 但就在此时,山姆从秋千上飞了出去,脸朝下摔在地上。
4. We couldn´t induce the old lady to travel by air. 我们无法劝说那位老太太坐飞机去.
5. When farmer spray poison to kill plant pests, poison is sent into the air the water and the soil. 农民为了杀死害虫而喷撒农药的时候,有毒物就被排放到空气中, 水里和土壤里.
6. Will you venture a flight in an air plane? 你敢坐飞机飞行吗?
7. We could not live without air. 没有空气我们就不能生存。
8. With the hand held high in the air, hold the string so that the weight nearly touches the ground. 把手高高举在空中握住绳子,让重物几乎接触地面。
9. Will you travel by sea or by air? 你们乘船去,还是乘飞机去?
10. We know that the air holds some of the warmth coming from the sun. 我们知道,空气能储存太阳射来的部分热量。