

美音:[´æŋgə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´æŋgə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.怒,愤怒 v.恼火


anger为高中词汇   词频:5902


动词过去式:angered 过去分词:angered 现在分词:angering 第三人称单数:angers


ang=to strangle(勒死;窒息)

近义词, 同义词


annoyance  fury  ire  irritation  rage  wrath  appease  calm  compose  forbearance  patience  quiet  soothe    


/'æŋgə(r); `æŋˇɚ/
n [U]
1 strong feeling of displeasure and hostility 怒气; 怒火
*filled with anger at the way he had been tricked 对于他这样被骗而怒火中烧
* speak in anger about the plight of poor people 含怒讲述穷人的苦难处境
* It was said in a moment of anger. 那是一时的气话.
2 (idm 习语) more in sorrow than in anger => sorrow.

v [Tn] fill (sb) with anger; make angry 使(某人)发怒; 激怒
*He was angered by the selfishness of the others. 他因为别人的自私而发怒.


Islands of Danger, also called Rescue, is a game by Richard Carr in which the object is to pilot a hovercraft through seven islands, destroying missile launchers protected by walls. The game is rather memorable for its music and its computer-generated islands made up of open fields, mountain chains, and dense forests.
1. C.You work off your anger by taking a walk.

2. This word is used as an exclamatory surprise, anger, virtually any emotion.

3. The mood of the people on the landing had quite changed by now, and they were muttering with anger.

4. The anger and frustration displayed by people who do not understand what is happening to them will be a terrible and dangerous force in all the major industrial economies.

5. He managed to subdue his mounting anger.

6. Her voice trembled with anger.

7. He vented his anger on his long-suffering wife.

8. And for several days will probably refuse all food through anger and fear.

9. And I acknowledge that some children are better off without a violent father, a family income wasted on drinking or gambling, or unhappy parents taking out their anger on everyone in the family.

10. "Does the anger come from a feeling that everything must be perfect?" Eliot asks.
