1. The audience showed its approval by applauding. 观众鼓掌以示赞许。
2. This plan has the teacher´s approval. 这个计划已为老师所赞同。
3. The crowd roared its approval. 群众高呼赞成.
4. The inspector gave a grunt of approval. 督学咕哝着表示赞同。
5. The second category covers payments made to obtain quicker official approval of some project, to speed up the wheels of government. 第二大类包括为促使政府加快对某些工程项目的正式批准而作的支出。
6. Note well "approval or disapproval". 请好好注意这几个词:"嘉许或不喜欢。"
7. He´s withholding his approval. 他不肯同意。
8. "a word or words expressing some quality considered characteristic or descriptive of a person or a thing, often expressing approval or disapproval." "表达某种特点的一个或几个字, 这种特点被认为反映了某人或某事的本质、或描述了某人某事,常表示嘉许或不喜欢的意思。"
9. "The texts of my broadcasts," I said, " ... every page, as you can see, stamped for approval by the High Command and two ministries (政府的部)." "我的广播稿," 我说,"…… 你们可以看到每一页都盖上了最高司令部和两个政府部门的核准图章。"
10. I opened the two bags with my personal effects, and after looking through them, two officials chalked a sign of approval on them. 我打开两个装有个人物品的行李包,两个官员仔细查看了这两个包,然后就用粉笔划了个核准通过的记号。