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asleep为小学词汇   词频:3041






/ə'sli:p; ə`slip/
adj [pred 作表语]
1 not awake; sleeping 睡着; 睡熟
*Don't wake her up she's fast/sound asleep. 别吵醒她--她睡得很熟[很香].
* He fell asleep during the sermon. 他在听着讲道时睡着了.
2 (of limbs) having no feeling; numb (指四肢)麻木, 发麻, 麻痹
*I've been sitting on my leg and now it's asleep. 我把腿坐麻了.


adj [not before noun]
 Quiet! The baby's asleep.
fast/sound asleep
(=sleeping deeply)
fall asleep
a) to begin to sleep
 Grandad fell asleep watching TV.
 One in seven road accidents is caused by drivers falling asleep at the wheel (=fall asleep while driving) .
b)literary used to mean that someone dies, when you want to avoid saying this directly
half asleep
very tired or not completely awake
 Still half asleep, Jenny began to make the kids' breakfast.
an arm or leg that is asleep has been in one position for too long, so you cannot feel it properly
asleep at the wheel/switch
not paying attention to a situation, so that something bad happens
 Several publishers were asleep at the switch, and missed the book's potential.
go to sleepatsleep2 (3) see usage notesleep1
1. The little girl habitually fell asleep clutching a battered doll, her palladium.

2. The next morning she saw he had written below her message: "Wife, I missed you. You thought I was asleep, but I was just resting my eyes and thinking about that peculiar woman who talked to us in church a long time ago.

3. The team, led by a manager of breathing care, called the process "surgery light" because patients are kept just barely asleep rather than out cold.

4. They cover their eyes; they put their heads down; they sing to themselves; they try to play games or even fall asleep.

5. He can´t hear you; he is asleep.

6. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the car.

7. He was very tired and therefore he fell sound asleep.

8. At half past two the clock was still going and he again fell asleep.

9. After a while he fell asleep, and when he awoke the clock was still ticking.

10. As he began to fall asleep, Dali would drop the spoon onto a plate on the floor.
