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assess为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1570


动词过去式:assessed 过去分词:assessed 现在分词:assessing 第三人称单数:assesses 形容词:assessable


sed,sess,sid=to sit(坐)

近义词, 同义词


/ə'ses; ə`sɛs/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (at sth) decide or fix the amount of sth 确定, 评定(某数额)
*assess sb's taxes/income 评定某人的税额[总收入]
* assess the damage at
350 评定损害赔偿金为350英镑.
2 [Tn] decide or fix the value of (sth); evaluate 确定, 评定(某事物)的价值; 估价
*have a house assessed by a valuer 由估价者给房子估价.
3 [Tn, Cn.n/a] ~ sth (as sth) estimate the quality of sth 估计, 评定某事物的质量
*It's difficult to assess the impact of the President's speech. 总统讲话的巨大影响很难估计.
* I'd assess your chances as extremely low. 我估计你成功的机会极微.


v [T]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French;Origin: assesser, from Latin, past participle of assidere 'to sit beside, help in making judgments', from ad- 'to' + sedere 'to sit']
to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it
= judge
assess the impact/extent/effectiveness etc of sth
 a report to assess the impact of advertising on children
assess what/how etc
 The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.
be assessed as sth
 Many of the adults were assessed as having learning difficulties.
to calculate the value or cost of something
be assessed at sth
 The value of the business was assessed at £1.25 million.
1. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner, or for around on the golf course while they develop a sense of trust.

2. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly.

3. It is impossible to assess the importance of a machine of this sort.

4. When these made a sound, they had to make a note of what they were doing and assess how happy and alert they felt.
