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n (also yard)
1 (a) (Brit) (esp of terraced houses) usu paved area at the back of a house (尤指成排房屋)(位于房屋後部通常为铺砌的)後院.
(b) (US) whole area behind and belonging to a house, including the lawn, garden, etc 後院(房屋後面并属于该房屋, 包括草地、花园等在内的一整块地).
2 (fig 比喻) area that is very close (used esp in the expression shown) 很近的区域(尤用于以下示例)
*in one's own backyard, ie within one's own organization 在自己的後院(在自己的组织内).


BrE a small area behind a house, covered with a hard surface
AmE an area of land behind a house, often covered with grass
 The old man grew vegetables in his backyard.
in sb's own backyardinformal
very near where someone lives, works etc
 Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.
not in my backyard
used to say that you do not want something to happen near where you live
>backyardadj [only before noun]
 a backyard pool
1. No one wants to spend money on just getting rid of garbage or to have a garbage site in the backyard.

2. However, tending window boxes isn't the same as being an amateur gardener and growing peas, tomatoes and salad greens in a backyard garden.

3. Aleko denied taking it and led Dimitri into his backyard.
