

美音:[bænd ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[bænd ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.带子,镶边,波段,队,乐队 v.联合,结合


band为中学词汇   词频:1117


动词过去式:banded 过去分词:banded 现在分词:banding 第三人称单数:bands


band=to bind(捆绑) 变化型 bond

近义词, 同义词

crowd  throng  group  flood  rush  deluge  rabble  mob  press  horde  body  tribe  crew  gang  knot  squad  band  party  swarm  shoal  school  covey  flock  herd  drove  bunch  drive  force  array  bevy  galaxy  corps  company  troop  troupe  task force  army  regiment  combatants  host  multitude  clan  brotherhood  fraternity  sorority  association  party  volley  storm  cloud  group  cluster  clumpcircularity  roundness  rotundity  circle  circlet  ring  areola  hoop  annulus  bracelet  armlet  ringlet  eye  loop  wheel  cycle  orb  orbit  zone  belt  cordon  band  hub  sphere    


/bænd; bænd/
1 [C]
(a) thin flat strip, hoop or loop used for fastening things together or for placing round an object to strengthen it 带; 箍; 条
*iron bands round a barrel 桶外的铁箍
* papers kept together with a rubber band 用橡皮筋套在一起的文件
* the waistband of a dress 连衣裙上的腰带.
(b) strip or line on sth, different in colour or design from the rest (颜色或图案异于其他部分的)条纹, 条饰
*a white plate with a blue band round the edge 带蓝边的白盘子.
2 [CGp] organized group of people doing sth together with a common purpose 一队; 一伙; 一组; 一帮
*a band of robbers, fugitives, revellers, etc 一帮强盗、逃亡者、寻欢作乐的人等.
3 [CGp]
(a) group of people playing esp wind instruments (尤指管乐)乐队
*a brass `band 铜管乐队
* a military `band 军乐队.
(b) group of people playing popular music, often for dancing 流行音乐乐队(常为舞蹈作伴奏的)
*a `dance band 为舞会作伴奏的乐队
* a `jazz band 爵士乐队. Cf 参看 orchestra.
4 (also `waveband) [C] (radio 无) range of wavelengths within specified limits 波段; 频带
*the 19-metre band 19米的波段.

1 [Tn] put a band(1a) on or round (sth) 在(某物)上加带或箍.
2 [Ip] ~ together unite in a group 联合
*band together to protest 联合抗议
* band together against a common enemy 联合起来共同对敌.
1. The band played several marches.

2. He is a member of the brass band.

3. He stretched the rubber band till it snapped.

4. Six hundred years ago, Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence.
    六百年前,约翰,霍克五德爵士率领一帮兵士到达意大利, 并在佛罗伦萨附近驻扎下来.

5. Six hundred years ago, Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence.

6. So when my darling wife arrived at the airport in Washington, she wasn't wearing her wedding band, lest it provoke inconvenient questions.
