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n.银行,堤,岸,沙洲,浅滩,一堆(土),(云)层,储藏所(库) vt.存(款)于银行,储蓄,(车或飞机)倾斜转弯


bank为小学词汇   词频:491


动词过去式:banked 过去分词:banked 现在分词:banking 第三人称单数:banks

近义词, 同义词


barrier  row  series  shore  slope  storage  string  treasury    


/bæŋk; bæŋk/
1 land sloping up along each side of a river or canal; ground near a river 河边的斜坡; 河边的土地; 河岸; 河畔
*Can you jump over to the opposite bank? 你能跳到对岸吗?
* My house is on the south bank (of the river). 我家座落在(河的)南岸. =>Usage at coast1 用法见 coast1.
2 sloping ground, often forming a border or division (通常为形成边界或分界线的)坡地
*low banks of earth between rice-fields 稻田之间的地埂; 田埂
* flowers growing on the banks on each side of the country lanes 乡间小路两旁斜坡上长的花.
3 = sand (sandbank).
4 flat-topped mass of cloud, snow, etc, esp one formed by the wind 顶部平坦的云堆、雪堆等(尤指由风吹成的)
*The sun went behind a bank of clouds. 太阳钻到云堆里去了.

/bæŋk; bæŋk/
1 [I] (of an aircraft, etc) travel with one side higher than the other, usu when turning (指飞机等)倾斜飞行(通常于转弯时)
*The plane banked steeply to the left. 飞机陡然向左侧倾斜飞行.
2 (phr v) bank up rise in the form of banks1(4) 聚积成平顶状
*The snow has banked up against the shed. 雪在小屋旁聚积起来. bank sth up
(a) make sth into banks 使某物成堤状.
(b) stop water of (a river, etc) from flowing by making a bank of earth, mud, etc (用泥土等)筑堤以堵截(河等的)流水
*bank up a stream 筑堤以堵截水流.
(c) heap coal-dust, etc on (the fire in a fireplace or furnace) so that the fire burns slowly for a long time (用煤灰等)封炉火.

/bæŋk; bæŋk/
1 establishment for keeping money, valuables, etc safely, the money being paid out on the customer's order (by means of cheques) 银行
*have money in the bank, ie have savings 在银行中有存款
* [attrib 作定语] a `bank manager 银行经理
* a `bank account 银行帐户
* a `bank loan, ie money borrowed from a bank 银行贷款.
2 (in gambling) sum of money held by the keeper of a gaming table, from which he pays his losses (赌博)庄家的赌本.
3 store (of valuable things, information, etc) (贵重物品、信息等的)储库
*build up a bank of useful addresses, references, information, etc 建立一个有用的地址、参考书目、信息等的储存库
* a `blood bank 血库
* a `data bank 数据库.
4 (idm 习语) ,break the `bank
(a) (in gambling) win more money than is in the bank3(2) (赌博)赢的钱比庄家的赌本还要多.
(b) (infml 口) cost more than one can afford 花费不起
*Come on! One evening at the theatre won't break the bank. 得啦! 看一晚上戏不会倾家荡产的.

/bæŋk; bæŋk/
1 [Tn] place (money) in a bank 将(钱)存入银行
*bank one's savings, takings, etc 把余钱、收入等存入银行.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb/sth) have an account (at a particular bank) (在某银行中)有帐户
*Who do you bank with? 你在哪家银行存款?
* Where do you bank? 你的钱存在哪家银行?
3 (phr v) bank on sb/sth base one's hopes on sb/sth 寄希望于某人[某事物]
*I'm banking on your help/on you to help me. 我指望你的帮助[你来帮助我].
* He was banking on the train being on time. 他指望火车能正点.

/bæŋk; bæŋk/
n row or series of similar objects, eg in a machine (类似物件的)一排或一系列(如机器中的)
*a bank of lights, switches, etc 一列灯、开关等
* a bank of cylinders in an engine 发动机中的一排汽缸
* a bank of oars 一排桨.


Gene banks are a type of biorepository which preserve genetic material. In plants, this could be by freezing cuts from the plant, or stocking the seeds.
1. But, in addition to that basically simple concept, the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another.

2. When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in favour of another person.

3. When, for example, a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.

4. We put our hands down but I just stayed exactly where I was. Then one of the bank workers pressed a button behind the counter and the steel gate at the front of the bank moved into place so that we were locked in. We just stayed like that until the p

5. The bank certified my accounts.

6. The bank is controlled by a famous financier.

7. The dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.

8. The dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water.

9. The best place for storage of money is a bank.

10. The bank must obey its customer´s instructions, and not those of anyone else.
