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bath为小学词汇   词频:2439




/bɑ:θ; [US] bæθ; bæθ/
n (pl ~s/ bB:Tz; ?@ bTz; bATz/)
1 [C] washing of the whole body, esp when sitting or lying in water 洗澡; 沐浴
*I shall have a hot bath and go to bed. 我要去洗个热水澡, 然後睡觉.
* He takes a cold bath every morning. 他每天早晨都洗冷水澡.
2 [C]
(a) (also `bath-tub, tub) large, usu oblong, container for water in which a person sits to have a bath 澡盆; 浴缸.
(b) water placed in this ready for use 洗澡水
*Please run a bath for me. 请给我放一盆洗澡水.
* Your bath is ready. 洗澡水给你准备好了.
3 [C] (container for) liquid in which sth is washed or dipped in chemical and industrial processes 化学及工业生产过程中用以洗涤或浸泡某物的液体; 盛此液体的容器
*an `oil bath, eg for parts of machinery 油槽(如用于浸洗机器零件的)
* a bath of red dye 红染缸.
4 baths [pl]
(a) (Brit) an indoor public swimming-pool 室内公共游泳池
*heated swimming-baths 加温的室内公共游泳池.
(b) building where baths may be taken 澡堂; 浴室
*Turkish `baths 土耳其式浴室.
5 (idm 习语) throw the baby out with the bath water => baby.

v (Brit)
1 [Tn] give a bath to (sb/sth) 给(某人)洗澡; 清洗(某物)
*bath the baby 给婴儿洗澡.
2 [I] take a bath 洗澡
*I bath every night. 我每晚洗澡.


a city in southwest England, famous for its old Roman baths and 18th century buildings.
1. Try Dali's trick, or just allow yourself to daydream. Often, the "three bs" — bed, bath and bus — are productive.

2. The parents agree in writing to meet monthly in one of 20 regional groups, go to a yearly three-day regional retreat, and spend at least three times a year in workshops, discussion groups and seminars at Bath.

3. He´s having a bath.

4. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters.

5. After hard work we could feel the sensuous delight of a hot bath.

6. After a bath I dry myself with a towel.

7. At Bath, 97% of the graduates attend four-year colleges.

8. Staying up late to read, soaking in the bath, eating a whole pint of ice cream at one sitting, moving at your own pace.

9. Jimmy DiBattista, 19, is amazed he will graduate this May from the Bath campus and plans to attend a university.

10. On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called ´Scented Shadow´ or for ´insoluble bath cubes´.
