1. His wife made no reply, her head bending down over the child. 他妻子低头看着孩子,没有作声。
2. And o´er the sickle bending; — 挥动着镰刀弯着腰——
3. So at noon the next day Mother was at the factory gate, bending under the weight of her food baskets. 第二天中午,母亲就到了工厂的门口,沉重的饭筐压得她弯下了腰。
4. I struggled uselessly to respond to the instructions of my coach, who was shouting above the roar of the fan to tell me how to ride the wind funnel up and down, left and right, by bending various limbs. 教练的喊声盖过风扇的轰鸣,告诉我如何屈折各肢体来乘着风柱上下左右地飘动,我照着他说的毫无结果地折腾了一番。