

美音:[bı´ni:θ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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adv.在...之下 prep.在...之下


beneath为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1883

近义词, 同义词


below  under  on    


/bɪ'ni:θ; bɪ`niθ/
prep (fml 文)
1 in or to a lower position than (sb/sth); under 在或向低于(某人[某事物])的位置; 在...下面
*They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. 他们在一堆树叶下面发现了那具尸体.
* The boat sank beneath the waves. 小船淹没在浪涛中.
2 not worthy of (sb) 对(某人)来说不值得
*He considers such jobs beneath him, ie not suited to his rank or status. 他认为做这样的工作有失身分.
* They thought she had married beneath her, ie married a man of lower social status. 他们认为她下嫁给了社会地位比她低的人. Cf 参看 above2.

adv (fml 文) in or to a lower position; underneath 在或向较低的位置; 在下面
*Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath. 她的精心化妆掩饰了脂粉下面岁月刻下的痕迹.


adv, prep formal
[Language: Old English;Origin: beneothan, from neothan 'below']
in or to a lower position than something, or directly under something
= underneath
 The dolphins disappeared beneath the waves.
 Jo enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath her feet.
 He was standing on the bridge looking at the river beneath.
 Some roofs collapsed beneath the weight of (=unable to support the weight of) so much snow.
see usage noteunder
covered by something
 Shiona shivered beneath the bedclothes.
 Suddenly Cranston pulled out a large handgun from beneath his robes.
used to say that someone's real character or feelings are not shown because their appearance or behaviour is different
= underneath
 Dave sensed that something more sinister lay beneath the woman's cheerful exterior.
 She tried to keep calm but beneath the surface she was angry.
not good enough or suitable for someone
 She acts as if even speaking to us is beneath her.
 He felt it would be beneath his dignity to comment.
 His mother felt he was marrying beneath him (=marrying someone who was not good enough) .
 I consider such behaviour to be beneath contempt (=so bad you have no respect for the person involved) .
in a lower, less important rank or job than someone else
= below
1. Engineers say a disaster is unlikely in the Chunnel because it wouldn't be flooded by a bomb. The tunnel is too far beneath the sea floor.

2. Beneath his gruff exterior he´s really very kind-hearted.
    他外表粗鲁, 心地却十分善良.

3. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.

4. The idea of linking England to the European mainland by tunneling beneath the channel goes back to 1802 when an engineer suggested it to Napoleon.

5. That night she went and sat alone upon a bench that stood beneath an oak tree at the edge of the walk.

6. His eyes twinkled beneath his bushy brows when he heard some bright sally or pointed retort.

7. As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze, and the red and gold of her superstructure ablaze with colour,

8. Neither the people who own stock in the company, nor the officers of the 220 banks that provided history's biggest loan, nor the 3,000 journalists trying to imagine three parallel tunnels beneath 100 feet of water and 130 feet of clay.

9. It is beneath your dignity to answer such a rude remark.

10. If there had not been a hard layer of rock beneath the soil, they would have completed the job in a few hours.
