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blessing为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5754


-ing 表示抽象名词的字尾

近义词, 同义词




/'blesɪŋ; `blɛsɪŋ/
1 (usu sing 通常作单数)
(a) God's favour and protection 神恩; 神的保佑
*ask for God's blessing 求神保佑.
(b) prayer asking for this (求神保佑的)祈祷.
(c) short prayer of thanks to God before or after a meal (餐前或餐後的)祷告
*say a blessing 祷告.
2 (usu sing 通常作单数) good wishes; approval 祝愿; 认可
*I cannot give my blessing to such a proposal. 我不能同意这样的提议.
3 thing that one is glad of; thing that brings happiness 令人高兴的事物; 带来幸福的事物
*What a blessing you weren't hurt in the accident! 你在这次事故中没有受伤, 真是幸运!
4 (idm 习语) a blessing in dis`guise thing that seems unfortunate, but is later seen to be fortunate 初看似乎不幸, 然而过後看来却是幸运的事; 祸中福
*Not getting into university may be a blessing in disguise; I don't think you'd have been happy there. 没能上大学焉知非福, 我想你在大学里是不会觉得快乐的. count one's blessings=> count1.


something that you have or something that happens which is good because it improves your life, helps you in some way, or makes you happy
 The dishwasher has been a real blessing!
it is a blessing (that)
 It's a blessing no-one was badly hurt.
someone's approval or encouragement for a plan, activity, idea etc
with sb's blessing
 They were determined to marry, with or without their parents' blessing.
 The Defense Department has given its blessing to the scheme.
a mixed blessing
a situation that has both good and bad parts
 Having children so early in their marriage was a mixed blessing.
a blessing in disguise
something that seems to be bad or unlucky at first, but which you later realize is good or lucky
count your blessings
used to tell someone to remember how lucky they are, especially when they are complaining about something
[U and C]
protection and help from God, or words spoken to ask for this
 The priest gave the blessing.
1. The blessing of the God be upon you all.

2. Nothing so bad but might be a blessing.
