

美音:[blu:m ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.花,旺盛,青春 v.(使)开花,(使)繁盛




形容词:bloomy 动词过去式:bloomed 过去分词:bloomed 现在分词:blooming 第三人称单数:blooms

近义词, 同义词


blossom  flourish  flower  glow  thrive  fade  shrivel  wither    


/blu:m; blum/
1 [C] flower, esp of plants admired chiefly for their flowers (eg roses, tulips, chrysanthemums) 花(尤指主要供观赏的, 如玫瑰、郁金香、菊花)
*These roses have beautiful blooms. 这些玫瑰花开得真美. =>illus at App
1 见附录1之插图, page ii. Cf 参看 blossom.
2 [U] (fig 比喻) freshness; perfection 新鲜; 完美
*be in/have lost the bloom of youth 正值[失去]青春.
3 [U] covering of fine powder that forms on ripe plums, grapes, etc 粉衣, 粉霜(成熟的李子、葡萄等表面所生的一层霜粉).
4 (idm 习语) in (full) bloom (of plants, gardens, etc) flowering (指植物、园圃等)开花
*The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom. 玫瑰花开时园内美丽诱人.
* (fig 比喻) Her genius was in full bloom, ie at its best or highest point. 她才华横溢(处于最佳状态或颠峰时期). take the bloom off sth cause sth to lose its freshness or perfection 使某事物失去新鲜感或失去光彩
*Their frequent rows took the bloom off their marriage. 他们经常吵架, 使得美满婚姻恶化.

1 [I]
(a) produce flowers; flower; blossom 开花
*Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring. 水仙花和番红花在春天开放.
(b) (fig 比喻) flourish; prosper 茂盛; 繁荣
*Our friendship is blooming. 我们之间情长谊深.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth)
(a) (of a garden, etc) be full of plants or flowers in bloom (指花园等)长满茂盛的花木
*The garden is blooming with spring flowers. 园内春花盛开.
(b) (fig 比喻) be in a healthy or flourishing condition (because of sth) (由于某种原因)处于健康或隆盛状态
*They were blooming with health and happiness. 他们既健康又快乐.
1. While discount rose retailers watch their business bloom, U.S. rose growers are going bankrupt amid severe foreign competition.

2. As soon as winter was over and the primroses began to bloom, the Miller went to visit little Hans.

3. Some bloom and have seeds every year.
    有些竹子每年都开花结子. 有些竹子则从不开花.

4. Perennials like the azalea and forsythia bloom year after year.
