

美音:[´bræntʃəz ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´bræntʃəz ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


1. Bamboo is this kind of grass. It grows up straight and thin, with branches at the top.
    竹子就是这种草. 它长得又直又细, 顶端长着枝权.

2. Tom pushed the branches aside. he saw a sheep by the brook.

3. The sleet stuck to the branches of trees and reflected the light from the street lamps.

4. He hewed branches from the tree.

5. Aqiao pushed the branches aside. She saw a tree.
    阿乔推开树枝, 注意到有一棵老松树.

6. She pushed the branches aside.

7. Monkeys watched him, peering down from the branches.

8. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning.

9. Residents of the state of Wisconsin (威斯康星州), he notes, can lose their license for not paying library fines, neglecting to shovel snow away from the walk in front of their house, or failing to trim a tree whose branches hang over a neighbor's property

10. It was five feet ten inches in diameter near the stump, and four feet eleven inches in diameter at the end of twenty-two feet, after which it lessened a little, and then parted into branches.
