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breakdown为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4104


/'breɪkdaʊn; `brek,daun/
1 mechanical failure 机械的故障
*Our car/We had a breakdown on the motorway. 我们的汽车[我们]在高速公路上抛锚了.
2 collapse or failure 瓦解; 失败; 破裂
*a breakdown of negotiations on disarmament 裁军谈判的破裂.
3 weakening or collapse of sb's (esp mental) health 身体(尤指精神)衰弱
*The strain of his job led to the complete breakdown of his health. 他工作过度, 把身体完全累垮了.
* She suffered a nervous breakdown. 她患神经衰弱.
4 statistical analysis 统计分析
*a breakdown of expenditure 支出的统计分析.


[U and C]
the failure of a relationship or system
breakdown of
 He moved away after the breakdown of his marriage.
 A sudden rise in oil prices could lead to a breakdown of the economy.
breakdown in
 There has been a serious breakdown in relations between the two countries.
marriage/marital/family breakdown
 Family breakdown can lead to behavioural problems in children.
a serious medical condition in which someone becomes mentally ill and is unable to work or deal with ordinary situations in life
 I was worried he might have a breakdown if he carried on working so hard.
 Two years ago he suffered a mental breakdown .
 She had already had one nervous breakdown .
an occasion when a car or a piece of machinery breaks and stops working
 Always carry a phone with you in case you have a breakdown on the motorway.
breakdown in
 a breakdown in the cooling system
a list of all the separate parts of something
breakdown of
 Can you give us a breakdown of the figures?
 a breakdown of the costs
the changing of a substance into other substances
 the breakdown of glucose in the body to release energy
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