

美音:[´brɔd´kæst ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´brɔd´kæst ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.广播,播音 v.播撒(种子),广播 (无线电或电视)广播 播送,播放


broadcast为高中词汇   词频:5726


名词:broadcaster 动词过去式:broadcast/broadcasted 过去分词:broadcast/broadcasted 现在分词:broadcasting 第三人称单数:broadcasts


cast=to throw(投掷)

近义词, 同义词



/'brɔ:dkɑ:st; [US] 'brɔ:dkæst; `brɔd,kæst/
v (pt, pp broadcast)
1 (a) [Tn] send out (programmes) by radio or television (用无线电或电视)播送(节目)
*broadcast the news, a concert, a football match 播送新闻、音乐演奏、足球比赛.
(b) [I] send out radio or television programmes 播送(无线电或电视)节目
*The BBC broadcasts all over the world. 英国广播公司向全世界播送节目.
2 [I] speak or appear on radio or television (在无线电或电视上)讲话或出现
*He broad-casts on current affairs. 他发表时事广播演说.
3 [Tn] make (sth) widely known 宣布(某事物)
*broadcast one's views 表明自己的观点.
4 [I, Tn] sow (seed) by scattering 撒播(种子).

n radio or television programme (无线电或电视的)广播节目
*a party political broadcast, eg before an election 某党派的政治广播节目(如选举前)
* a broadcast of a football match 足球比赛的广播节目.
1. What´s the frequency of this broadcast?

2. The commentator made a big mistake during the live broadcast.

3. Did my last broadcast from Berlin tonight."

4. Sometimes he listens to the English broadcast.

5. Over them I placed a number of my broadcast scripts (文字稿), each page of which had been stamped by the military and civilian censors (新闻检查官) as passed for broadcast.

6. In a broadcast on October 1, 1940, Murrow declared: "Mark it down that these people are both brave and patient, that all are equal under the bomb, that this is a war of speed and organization, and that whichever political system best provides fo
