

美音:[baı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[baı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.枝节的问题,不重要或次要的东西 adj.附属的


bye为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4042


/baɪ; baɪ/
n (sport 体)
1 (in cricket) run scored from a ball that passes the batsman without being hit by him (板球)漏击得分(球越过击球手未被击中).
2 situation in which a player having no opponent in one round of a tournament proceeds to the next round as if he had won 轮空(运动员在比赛中因无对手而自动进入下一轮的情况).

/baɪ; baɪ/
(also bye-bye/ 9baI5baI, `baI9baI/) interj (infml 口) goodbye 再见
*Bye(-bye)! See you next week. 再见! 下星期再会.


John Wilbye (baptized 7 March 1574 – September 1638), was an English madrigal composer.
1. Even though friends and family support the idea of going, it is difficult to say good-bye at this moment.
    即使朋友们及家人支持他们出国留学, 但在此时此刻说声再见却是很困难的。

2. Bill: Gee, Mike, I just remembered a really important appointent! I´m really late! I really have to go. Bye, Mike!

3. Bye-bye.

4. "Bye, honey," called Jane.
    "再见,亲爱的," 简喊道。

5. "Bye, dear," answered Steve.
    "再见,宝贝," 史蒂夫回了一声。

6. You may shake hands when saying good bye to people.

7. My nursery-school (托儿所) child with the sweet voice was replaced with a confident character in long trousers, who forgot to stop at the corner and wave good-bye to me.

8. Good-bye, and may God bless you.
    再见, 愿上帝保佑你。

9. Good-bye!

10. Good-bye!
